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Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed from one person to another through unprotected sex or genital contact

Before learning how to prevent or treat them, please note this, when infected; 

  • Put blame on hold. Don't jump to the conclusion that your partner has been unfaithful to you. One (or both) of you may have been infected by a past partner.
  • Be candid with health care workers. Their job is not to judge you, but to stop STIs from spreading. Anything you tell them remains confidential.
  • Contact your health department. Although they may not have the staff and funds to offer comprehensive services, local health departments maintain STI programs that provide confidential testing, treatment and partner services.


Several ways to avoid or reduce your risk of sexually transmitted infections include:
  • Abstain. The most effective way to avoid STIs is to abstain from sex.
  • Stay with one uninfected partner. Another reliable way of avoiding STIs is to stay in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who isn't infected.
  • Wait and verify. Avoid vaginal and anal intercourse with new partners until you have both been tested for STIs. Keep in mind that no good screening test exists for genital herpes for either sex, and human papillomavirus (HPV) screening isn't available for men.
  • Use condoms and dental dams consistently and correctly. Use a new latex condom or dental dam for each sex act, whether oral, vaginal or anal. Never use an oil-based lubricant, such as petroleum jelly, with a latex condom or dental dam.
  • Get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated early, before sexual exposure, is also effective in preventing certain types of STIs. Vaccines are available to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
  • Don't drink alcohol excessively or use drugs. If you're under the influence, you're more likely to take sexual risks.
  • Communicate. Before any serious sexual contact, communicate with your partner about practicing safer sex.
  • Consider male circumcision.  male circumcision can help reduce a man's risk of acquiring HIV from an infected woman,it  may also help prevent transmission of genital HPV and genital herpes.
Avoid Sti's avoid HIV

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